Work with Us

Thank you for your interest in working for Girls on the Run of Silicon Valley. We do not have any open Staff or Board positions at this time. We are currently looking for new members for our Young Professionals Board. Please scroll down to learn more!

Work with Us

A Girls on the Run participant is jumping for joy!

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Get Involved with GOTRSV

Being part of Girls on the Run of Silicon Valley is SO MUCH FUN! Scroll down to learn more about how you can get involved.


Young Professionals Board

The mission of the GOTRSV Young Professionals Board is to increase awareness of Girls on the Run, increase diversity within the GOTR volunteer community, and raise money for its financial assistance fund. In collaboration with the GOTRSV staff, the YPB participates in a variety of strategic and fundraising initiatives to sustain and deepen the mission and impact of Girls on the Run in the Silicon Valley community.

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